Sunday, August 30, 2009

Been Busy!!!

Dang its been a lil minute since i have wrote a blog...sorry been busy. With being a Senior, a Resident Assistant, Being a Que, and my crazy azz social life I haven't had time to write a blog. But with all that i have had alot of time to think about my 4 years here in Knoxville, the ups the downs, the friends lost and gain, the love lost and gained....just everything. And i came to the realization that this has truely been the best 4 years of my life. Like i can't wait to have kids just to tell them about my experiences. Some of the things I have done literally, I should be either in jail, in the hospital, or kicked out of school. Here are a list of my favorite experiences:

Freshman year me and my friends: Chris, Kennard, Domonique, Fred,Deneen, and Nini oh and Dee or Chris can't really remember, went to see a movie out in Turkey Creek on the way back we drove over to this shoppin center which was completely empty cuz it was like 1 in the morning. So my car which was Kennard driving me, fred and dee decided to throw pennies at the Domonique's car so we were chasing them all over this parking garage and some kind of way we ended up back close to campus at Tyson Park. Here we decided to play hide and go seek......I know....8 18 year olds decided to play a kids game but it was the most fun I could have. We played till like 3 in the morning and then decided we needed to do it again but with more people. So just by word of mouth and sum text messages we ended up having over 30 people come play the next night. Like it was serious!!! Folks came out there in real deal running clothes and we played for atleast 4 hours in the dark with nothing but street lights on. It was the most random fun i have ever had. There was no alcohol, money, music or anything like that involved just pure fun. Even the so called thugs and pretty girls where out there sweating their azz off.


Then my 2nd year me, chris, London, and dee decided to go to Atlanta for sum reason i think it was one of the "classic" weekends and we were gonna go to some of the parties. The only problem was that we didn't have a place to stay i was just going off of chris knowing someone and me staying with them. So anyway we ran into some female friends we knew from school who had a hotel room so we decided we would chill there before we went out to the party. Well after the party we needed a place to crash and they were like yall can crash wit us.....HELL YEA!!!...They had alcohol, 2 beds and plenty of room. So the crazy thing was that we woke up and they were all gone so it was like it was our room. We were like damn we got a free room. Then we got into both clubs both nights VIP for only 10$ a piece...other than food i only spent like $45 dollars. Defiantly a great trip.

My 3rd year me chris and terrance went to a set and we all decided we were gonna get wasted. So we were having a good time and terrance decides he is going to get drunk and pass out. So me and chris are at the party for like 3 more hours while terrance is passed out and then we decide to leave. NEITHER ONE OF US SHOULD BE DRIVING. Yet Chris drives us home, mind you terrance is in the back seat passed out with his head out the window because chris back window doesn't roll up...So we're coming down cumberland and we get to the 1st light...its like 3am and noone is out so we decide to run the light.....WE look around and then go...then the 2nd light....look around then run it.....3rd light now we're feeling confident and this time we barely look and take it...then out of no where this cop turns his lights on and pulls us over.....SIDENOTE:

I know we are both drunk...we smell like alcohol..terrance is passed out without a seatbelt on...our eyes are that glossy drunk...and now we're terrified.

So the cop comes up and flashs the light and was like "did u guys not see the light" then chris does the greatest lie in history..."sir i just got off work i work at fedex and me and my friend robert were asked to go pick up my friend terrance from a party because he is passed out and we needed to get him to his house"

so then the cop says give me ur licence and insurance....the problem is that true chris has both these items yet...he has like 6 unpaid tickets and his insurance is expired....NOW IM FREAKING OUT....the one thing im most scared of was going to trying to figure out ways to run away and not get caught....yet the cop comes back and is like "ok your good..ur insurance is expired you need to get that fixed"...then he says the best thing i've ever heard..."im gonna write you a warning, just be careful and get him home...its happen to me before just be safe"............................this is where i just shit my pants because im like HALLEJUHAH!!!! You don't realize how much shyt we were suppose to be in:Drunk Driving, Reckless Driving, Underage drinking, No insurance, traffic tickets...the list could have went on but we got away with just a warning!!!!!!!!

Like real talk i got more stories these were just some of my favorite...I'll prolly write another blog later about some more fun times in my life but leave sum comments about sum of your times or comment on mine!!

Mr.Melvin is OWT of the office.............

Monday, August 17, 2009

McNabb happy to share snaps, field with Vick

Check owt this video of McNabb being a Man and standing up for what he belives in.
McNabb happy to share snaps, field with Vick

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vick's New Nest

Vick is a Philidelphia Eagle now!!!!
Everyone needs a second chance i pray Vick takes advantage of his and does not dissappoint all the people who have stuck their neck out for him as well as all the fans!!!!

LIfe by song...i got this from AusteRity9..lets see how it goes...

Instructions: Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST OR BAND, answer these questions. Pass it on to 12 people and include me. You can't use the artist or band I used. Do not repeat a song title. Repost as "My Life According to (ARTIST OR BAND NAME)"

Pick Your Artist: Kanye West

Are you a male or female? : "Big Brother"

Describe yourself: "Can't Tell Me Nothing:

How do you feel: "Stronger"

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: "Diamonds From Sierra Lione"

Your favorite form of transportation: "Jesus Walks"

Your best friend is: "Hey Mama"

What's the weather like: "Amazing"

Favorite time of the day: "Street Lights"

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: "Welcome to Heartbreak"

What is life to you: :"Drive Slow"

Your relationships: "Roses"

Your fear: "See you in My Nightmares"

What is the best advice you have to give?: "Touch The Sky"

If you could change your name, you would change it to:"Robocop"

Thought for the Day:"Through The Wire"

How I would like to die: "Champion"

My soul's present condition: "Goodlife"

Your turn to do the same....
Mr.Melvin is Owt of the Office....................

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mountains and Valleys

This last 2 weeks has been one to remember i have been up high with happiness and down low in the valley with sadness and pain...but through it all i have been thankful to the Lord. Because with everything that went in my opinion "wrong" The Lord put an equally or greater "good" in my life to help. This is a update blog as well as a testimony to friendship,love and God's Master Plan and how we as people always doubt but all we need to do is have faith!

So anyway i tore my acl and had surgery for last Friday so i had everything in place:someone to take me, told everyone and had put myself in the mindset to go through surgery...So on Friday the doc called me and told me he had to reschedule for the following Monday. Man i was pissed (read my blog: UT Med one word:ratchet") and was just like this is gonna be a bad day already and this and that. This is one of those times when we as humans think we know but don't know a damn thing, because if i had had the surgery i would have been bed ridden for the next two days. Now i'm glad it was rescheduled because i had a great weekend: Hung owt friday and had a great time, then Saturday i went to my boss/friend Matt's birthday pool party then went to the Delta's and the Que's stepping at this girls 16 birthday party all though i couldn't hop i could help. If i hadn't came my tre dawg would not have had any shorts to wear as well as i helped with the chants. Also it was just alot of fun, messing with the Redz and the Bruhz, gets no better. Then we all go to my dawg's Angelo's house to chill where we having a good time with old bruhz and then the redz come chill then we all go to my girl's Lauren's bday party which was crazy had a great time there. Then Sunday i just chilled because i didn't want to do anything before surgery.

Fast forward to after surgery..Brittney and my line brothers really helped me move from my old apartment to my new place. i couldn't have done it with out them, they not only help me move they made sure i had everything i needed:food,clothes, company,etc.

Now im back in North Carrick as a RA and loving it got my staff back and my head staff: Matt and Nolan and everybody has my back.

Sure things haven't gone my way but i can't complain because I have had everything i wanted and needed thanks to my friends. I really value my friends i am truly grateful i love them and they clearly love me. So until next time peace.

Mr. Melvin is Owt of the Office........

Friday, July 31, 2009


Not in a good way like Hurricane Chris says ratchet in a bad way like bootleg DVDs. Let me tell y0u why:

Last Monday i was playing ball and tore my ACL which is a pretty bad injury requiring surgery because if you let it go too long then you can have permanent damage. So when i go in to get my MRI results read the doc is like yea we need surgery and telling me about it and describing stuff, everything is on the up and up right now so im like cool. Im nervous has hell because i've never had surgery before nor have i never been put under before. So im thinking of all the bad stuff that could happen and the thing is the doc scheduled this appointment last week on Wed i believe so i been wating over a week for this surgery. So finally last night i put myself in the mind frame of ima be strong and the Lord's gonna take care of everything with this surgery. The surgery is scheduled for 1:00 for prep and 2:30 for the actual surgery today. I had my ride set up and everything..i had already told people about it and to pray for me..things were in place.....

But @ exactly 10:50am i get a phone call from UT MED saying "I have to reschedule cus i made a mistake and accidentally took on sum emergency surgerys today. I could still get u in but i don't know what time i would get to it, can i reschedule you for monday @7:10am".,........

People this is where i almost lost it....

1. How the hell do accidentally take on sum emergency surgery when your not even an emergency surgeon, your an orthopedic surgeon.

2. How are you just gonna fit me in today when i have SURGERY. Not a check up not a physical, a real deal surgery.

3. Then you give me the earliest surgery time known to man. Because the surgery may be @7:10 yet ima have to be there @like 5:30 for prep. Which also means i have to wake up someone else again to take me becuz i can't drive to my surgery.


This isn't the first time UT Med has pissed me off.....

Last year me and my line brothers were practicing for our probate and i accidentally jumped up to high and busted my head open on a concrete slab above us....i know just think abowt that for a anyway like this wasn't no small cut or nothing this was a real deal contusion on the head like at the top where the brain at. Blood is everywhere so i get rushed to the hospital and they get me in a im thinking ok i got head trauma this should take like 5-10 min for them to come in and work on me....wrong!!!! took 3 HOURS for them just to come in and say "hmmm thats a big contusion on ur head ur gonna need staples" WELL THANK YOU OL' WISE ONE I COULDN'T FIGURE THAT OUT MYSELF!!! the entire time im asking the nurse can i get sum asprin or sumthing and she like "no cuz u don't want to take anything yet until the doctor comes and checks" Realize people that my head is still bleeding i am holding the blood back blood with a t shirt they didn't even give me a towel or anything!!! So then the nurses come in and there as dense as a doorknob and they are the ones in charge of shaving the hair around my open wound...

SIDENOTE: If you have ever had to shave anything in ur life, u know that u have to have shaving cream or its gonna hurt and aggravate the skin. Imagine that ur hair is abowt half a inch high u have a open wound with blood coming owt, no shavin cream, and two slow azz nurses who are more scared of shaving ur head than u are?

Back to the story...
So this two testtube babies are trading the razor back and forth talking bout "u do u do it" not realizing that i am a human sitting here that feels everytime u scrap that dam razor across my open contusion.
So after tweedle dee and tweedle dumb get through the doc comes in....WITH A F**KING ATTITUDE like i just messed up his day because i came to a hospital for help...excuse me then...He doesn't even prep he is like "i gotta use staples...its gonna hurt alot....don't move" If i wasn't abowt to pass owt from all the pain i would have said somethin but i was jus to busy trying not to blackowt from somebody STAPLING MY HEAD WITH NO TYPE OF ANAESTHESIA!!!!!!

So in conclusion....UT MED IS RATCHET..unfortunately i still have to go back on Monday and deal with these people again...Pray for me seriously I don't like doctors or doctors offices and im terrified abowt surgery regardless if it is knee surgery or not....Leave comments abowt ur hospital horror stories...

Mr.Melvin is OWT of the office.............

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Roger Goodell shows how to be a REAL commish

Roger Goodell reinstated Micheal Vick on conditional bases to the NFL. He in my opinion made a great decision because he didn't just make the decision on his own merit he consulted with veteren players and coaches. I hope Vick does right and doesnt' end up like Pacman Jones...he just burned the hell owt of the Cowboys. So Vick its up to you now, you got the talent, get around some people that will keep you owt of trouble be smart and go bring the OAKLAND RAIDERS a championship.....oh you didn't know he was gonna be wit Oakland...well i gotta make a few phone calls to make it happen..
Mr.Melvin is OWT of the office.....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Michael Vick was accused of fighting and killing dogs.....this is horrible no doubt i don't empathize or sympathize wit him or the situation...yet he has served his time and paid his debt to society...let him play!!! There are players in the NFL(ray lewis) accused of killing a HUMAN BEING and they are still playing!!! WTF This is a short blog mainly cuz im watching sportscenter and this is what they are talking abowt...but i would love to have the new Michael Vick on my team, think abowt it...he's only been owt the league for 2 years, he's got a new trainer,AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HE JUST GOT OWT OF you realize how much drive and fight he must have...he lost almost everything, fame, sponsorships, money, houses, cars etc. This dude my have a hall a fame season if you give him a chance. Now im not saying he needs to be left alone i think he needs probation for the year and if he breaks it then you suspend him but to not let him play AFTER he has served his court sentence...thats bull....i hope my team OAKLAND RAIDERS sign him!!!

Mr.Melvin is Owt of the office.....

My Ace Dawg

This isnt so much a blog as much as it is a PSA abowt the UT knoxville police officers and how racist they are...

Dee owns a 85 Black Monte Carlo that's loud and Dee is a 20 yr old college student from South Memphis TN (although he lives in north memphis but that's another story). The thing is we live in 2009 with a black president and people still label dee and cops are still crooked. Yet if you know dee he is the most fun caring excitable person in the world. Dee wouldn't hurt a fly if it attacked him, he would prolly just start dancing...lolololol. But seriously that's my dawg i love him and i know he doesn't lie and he is as genuine as cow leather. So if dee tell me he did something then Dee did it. Enough of the backstory here is the story...

Dee was just getting to campus and was driving and this chick hit his they get owt and check for damages and stuff and dee has an old school car like myself its gonna take alot more than a bump to dent his car so he didn't have any damage but the "White Chick"(we gone call her WC) had a nice lil dent in her they exchanged info:name,number,insurance info,etc. Yet both of the UT students had tests so they MUTUALLY decided to go take the test then handle the situation later if anything was needed. So dee was like "cool" he wasn't wrong he got her info and wasn't worried especially since he watched WC drive he goes takes his test and he's getting phone calls and texts talking abowt there are cops surronding his car then he gets a voicemail saying they gonna seize and impound his car if he don't come owt dee leaves and runs owt there to see wats going on............

This Bitc.....i mean WC has circled back to where the wreck intially happened and called the police and said it was a hit and run.........ima let yall marinate on that...........

So dee is like naw and he's explaining his case and going back and forth wit the officers(whom are all of the caucasian persuasion) and they are like looking at the evidence(the dent in her aluminum car and the absense of a dent in the 85 all metal monte carlo) and saying it looks like she is right, they don't even give dee a chance to be right....but here's the kicker which i thought would have ended all conversation abowt a hit and run......HE HAD HER INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!....yet they were like "well um do you have a witness or anything" dee did have a witness but she was taking a test and couldn't now dee has a court date to deal with because he has been fausly accused of sum BS!!!

So basically don't let your guard down at all, these cops aint worth toilet paper you wipe ya azz wit and the toilet you throw it in...

Pray for dee that everything gets cleared i am...

Mr.Melvin is OWT of the office..........

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Top 10 Rappers and Reasons, Thanks Randy For the Motivation!!

My girl Randy gave me the motivation to write this, follow her on twitter: RandiElaine

The timeless debate of who is the best rapper ever...the thing abowt making this arguement is that the generation gap. I was 8 when tupac was mudered i couldn't even listen to rap until i was like 13 and even then it was only stuff that was on the radio so i just liked what was popular. Hell i use to wear my pants and shirt backwards and dance like Kriss-Kross or clear the living room and dance like Bel Biv Devoe..

The other thing that keeps top 10 list from accurate is because what is good to me isn't to you so there will always be a debate. Im from the south so repitive chorus and hooks with snap music is good music to me while up north lyrical metaphors are the norm. So to compare is impossible..when rappers make music its like casting a net out there and pulling back, sure you'll catch some but you'll also miss alot of folk.

So basically heres my list and reasons why...comment and debate...

1.Dwayne Micheal Carter A.K.A Lil Wayne, Young Money, Weezy F. Baby

Lil Wayne in my opinion deserves this spot because he unlike other rappers grew up in front of us and with every turn of something new (swag, hooks, trends) he adapted and destroyed it. From unforgetable hooks and lines to making the entire country scream "Bling Bling". Wayne has made nothing but hits. One of the few rappers that i can honestly listen to cd from cover to cover. He has begun an entire new way of selling music by giving away so much QUALITY music so then when his cd actually drops it destroys every record owt there. He is our generations Tupac, because he never stops recording his music library is rediculous, hundreds of songs owt there not to mention his cameos.

My favorite Wayne songs:

"The Sky IS the Limit" Drought 3: This was originally Mike Jones song yet no one even remembers his version after Wayne raped it and made it his girl. "When i was 5 my favorite movie was the Gremlins/aint got sh** to do wit this but i just thought that i should mention"

"Let The Beat Build" Carter III: Kanye West produced by Kanye West and Deezle.."Now That's how you let the Beat Build B***"

"Promise" Drought 3: Wayne professing his love for Ciara

"Scarface" The Drought is Over 2

"I Feel Like Dying" The Drought is Over 2

2. Kanye West: The Louis Vutton Don. Kanye is a beast, he doesn't rap about drugs running crack or nothing he really doesnt have an official M.O he just does Kanyeezy and you love it. He has done uplifting music "Jesus Walks" then flip it and do "Golddigger". I literally listened to "Late registration" for 2 years straight still quoting lines. As of late he has changed his style to the autotune style but why not he just lost his mom things don't mean the same when you lose someone that close to you. He didn't need to appease anyone other than himself you can tell he had something on his heart and he let it all owt. Yea he's cocky, but is it cockyness or confidence...your Kanye West can you afford to be modest???
My Favorite Kanye songs:

"SpaceShip" College Dropout: Listen to the lyrics forreal

"Two Words" College Dropout

"Bring Me Down" Late Registration Almost made me cry, serious song abowt his grandma

"Gone" Late Registration

"See You In My Nightmares" 808's and Heartbreaks My two favorite artists on the same track nothing but magic!!

3. Jay-Z Hova Jigga is the King of New York...yea Biggie was the man but you gotta let go sometime and Jay has paid his dues to the former king and to the streets...every album he drops is a classic. He, like Wayne, grew up through the generations dumbed down his lyrics to appeal to the masses but still had enough meat to feed the hardcore listeners. He gave an Adult approach to selling crack more of "I survived it now look at me" kind of approach. He retired, came back, married beyonce, and now is on the prowl to end autotune..u don't want beef from Hov.

Jay-Z classics:

"Izzo" The Blueprint You don't need any words to describe..just listen

"Say Hello" American Gangster Say hello to the bad guy

"Blueprint 2" The Blueprint 2 Jay-z Shot back!!

"Beach Chair" Kingdom Come

4. T.I. The King of the South no questions against the crown period. Yea he's in jail now but unlike other immature rappers who revil and brag abowt jail, Tip instead turned it into a possitive trying to deter others from following his path and released "Paper Trail" which in my opinion silenced everyone. Tip has never claimed to be the first at anything but he is one of the best and alot of referencing T.I vs Tip in which he battled himself. Yea it had been done before but not as well as The King did. Can't wait till Tip is back on the street releasing more heat..oh and ATL is the reason i have a girl so i am forever in T.I. debt. :)

"Rubber Band Man" Trap Muzik

"On Top of The World" Paper Trail

"King Back" King

"Bring em Out" Urban Legend

IT's funny my top 4 rappers all were on "Swagga Like Us" coincidence? I think not.

5. Eminem: Yea he's, words have no color. He trancended all racial boundaries, TRL, 106&Park, Vibe, Rolling Stone...He is signed with one of the best producers ever and has used it to his advantage in every aspect. Sure Em isn't politically correct and dude has alot of issues but nobody has put em together to make hits like him. There really isn't a place or venue to listen to Em, like its not club music or riding music its more just music. I know it doesn't make sense it isn't suppose to this is my blog get ur own. Anyway Em was just honored as the best rapper in Vibe magazine and he just released another #1 in "Relapsed". Em makes controversy entertaining.

My favorite Em songs:

"White America" The Eminem Show Im Black and this song spoke to me"Say Goodbye Hollywood" The Eminem Show

"Lose Yourself" 8 Mile

"Puke" Encore "I can't believe i got your name on my skin/now my next girlfriend gotta be named Kim"

"Patiently Waiting" Get Rich or Die Trying Em ate this 50 cent song up, one of my favorite 16 bars ever..

6. Ludacris: In my opinion he reminds me of Busta Rhymes, because he does crazy fun songs but they all got lyrical appeal.

7. Lupe Fiasco: Two words "The Cool" Go get it now, sit down and listen

8.Nelly (Pre "Sweat/suit") I don't really like the new Nelly, "Nellyville" is a classic that really showed Nelly growning into his own.

9.Bun B: This was hard becaue technically Bun isn't in my generation that was until he dropped "Trill" even though he was without his P.I.C Pimp C he made it a classic.

10. The Dream......I no he's not a rapper, but his songs have so much lyrical value that he is just a rapper that can sing, plus he has written some of the best songs ever: Rihanna "Umbrella" Beyonce "Single Ladies" J.Holiday "Bed" Usher "Moving Mountains" and Young Joc "Coffee Shop"

"Im in love with you Baby and i want you to know that im hooked on yo body and im trying to be yours"

Honorable Mention:
Gucci Mane: Give em 5 more years he'll be a household Montana.
Drake: He would have been n my top 10 but he needs a real LP under his belt
Young Jeezy: Good but hasnt been great since Thug Motivation
This is my list give me yours or tell me im right or wrong till next time..

Mr.Melvin is Owt of the office....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Real Men can Drink Pena Coladas!!!!

So my favorite drink in the world is a Pena Colada.......What you got something so say??? Whatever i drink Crown, Jack Daniel, Evan Willams, Blue top, Rum and beer but when i want somethin that tastes good and got alcohol i make Pena Coladas...I don't know who decided that its a womans drink i didn't know drinks were designated to genders??? Now i aint got no unbrellas or nothing in it but i make a big glass of it and drink it like infatuation came from when i took my senior trip to bahammas by way of a carribian cruise...So everybody knew we was underage so we could only order virgin drinks so im like i spent all this money ima get me a pena colada and sit on the deck and enjoy myself not knowing i was about to become addicted to these amazing drinks and ever since then i been drinkin em...Folks still talk trash abowt me drinking em until they try it themselves..

Like my roomate Josh Wood who talked trash until i made him one on our way to Spanish class and we drunk it in class and we both was tipsy cuz i added like 5 shots of rum in each of our drinks..
Or Matt Varga who I play pool with, whom talked trash and said and i quote "Do you want sum Vagisil with your pena colada?" until he tried one and started out ordering me getting pena coladas at a pool bar.

I write this blog to what makes you happy..I do..As long as its not detrimental to no ones health or well being and not a what makes you happy FOR YOU..if you want to be in a fraternity or sorority then pledge..if not then theres nothing wrong with you..If your ideal of a fun night is sitting in your room watching movies then watch movies till your eyes fall out...If you don't drink or smoke then don't if you do then have fun with that...Do what makes you happy.

Treat life as a tattoo....Tattoos are permanent and can't be changed so make sure its something meaningful for the rest of your life...So do things that are meaningful and you want to be with you for the rest of your life..

Mr.Melvin is owt of the office...


First Blog ever and im listening to Gucci Mane "Writing on the Wall" its not really the best inspirational music ever but it keeps me amped...On desk working at Vol Hall bored trying to keep my self entertained and decided to start blogging. The thing abowt being at the desk is that you get alot of time to think especially when folks aint coming in for lock-owt keys and stuff.

Wait sidenote-if you have ever been by vol hall you see that the front desk is surronded by huge glass windows so everybody can see you but because its dark outside you can't see them all you see is your reflection. The thing is that homeless folks are walking everywhere just being weird and the door isn't locked but i aint scared the panic button is a reach away, if that don't work ima go straight EastMemphis on em and hide..lololol.

Back to the story up till now..Monday i'm playing basketball with all my boys and a couple of my line brothers george and julius..the thing abowt me and julius is that we are two very stubborn dudes who always clash(thats a lil history that you need to know to follow the story) so anyway julius is on the opposite team and we get into it abowt a loose ball or somethin dumb and we start going off on each other..I mean we cussing and saying you a this and that F u and all that so we still playing and my leg gets tangled in some guys legs and it pops.........scariest moment in my life i thought my knee was broke...and so i just hit the ground and start yelling and breathin hard like a lil girl and stuff and i'm like i need some water or something or ima pass owt!! So everybody is checking on me and getting ice and stuff..and they finally get me ova to the bleachers to sit down and im in excruciating pain..i look up and julius is bringing me a cup of water...and its crazy cuz we were just at each othas neck abowt sum bull yet he was the first person that had my back...The bond between Brother is unmatched...

But anyway my knee has been swolen for a week and all i got is sum MRI results that i can't read yet they gve em to me to wait another week till thursday for a doctor to read em and say if i need surgery or not...Aint that a B*** so im basically walking around not knowing wats going on on a bad knee that could possibly have an ACL tear...I need to call and see if i can reschedule for an earliar day but i keep procasinating...

Going to get my tattoo colored in MONDAY..very excited...gonna hurt though i got alot of coloring to do!!!

Well till next time ima try to keep it interesting i promise.

Mr.Melvin is now OWT of the office.....