Sunday, August 30, 2009

Been Busy!!!

Dang its been a lil minute since i have wrote a blog...sorry been busy. With being a Senior, a Resident Assistant, Being a Que, and my crazy azz social life I haven't had time to write a blog. But with all that i have had alot of time to think about my 4 years here in Knoxville, the ups the downs, the friends lost and gain, the love lost and gained....just everything. And i came to the realization that this has truely been the best 4 years of my life. Like i can't wait to have kids just to tell them about my experiences. Some of the things I have done literally, I should be either in jail, in the hospital, or kicked out of school. Here are a list of my favorite experiences:

Freshman year me and my friends: Chris, Kennard, Domonique, Fred,Deneen, and Nini oh and Dee or Chris can't really remember, went to see a movie out in Turkey Creek on the way back we drove over to this shoppin center which was completely empty cuz it was like 1 in the morning. So my car which was Kennard driving me, fred and dee decided to throw pennies at the Domonique's car so we were chasing them all over this parking garage and some kind of way we ended up back close to campus at Tyson Park. Here we decided to play hide and go seek......I know....8 18 year olds decided to play a kids game but it was the most fun I could have. We played till like 3 in the morning and then decided we needed to do it again but with more people. So just by word of mouth and sum text messages we ended up having over 30 people come play the next night. Like it was serious!!! Folks came out there in real deal running clothes and we played for atleast 4 hours in the dark with nothing but street lights on. It was the most random fun i have ever had. There was no alcohol, money, music or anything like that involved just pure fun. Even the so called thugs and pretty girls where out there sweating their azz off.


Then my 2nd year me, chris, London, and dee decided to go to Atlanta for sum reason i think it was one of the "classic" weekends and we were gonna go to some of the parties. The only problem was that we didn't have a place to stay i was just going off of chris knowing someone and me staying with them. So anyway we ran into some female friends we knew from school who had a hotel room so we decided we would chill there before we went out to the party. Well after the party we needed a place to crash and they were like yall can crash wit us.....HELL YEA!!!...They had alcohol, 2 beds and plenty of room. So the crazy thing was that we woke up and they were all gone so it was like it was our room. We were like damn we got a free room. Then we got into both clubs both nights VIP for only 10$ a piece...other than food i only spent like $45 dollars. Defiantly a great trip.

My 3rd year me chris and terrance went to a set and we all decided we were gonna get wasted. So we were having a good time and terrance decides he is going to get drunk and pass out. So me and chris are at the party for like 3 more hours while terrance is passed out and then we decide to leave. NEITHER ONE OF US SHOULD BE DRIVING. Yet Chris drives us home, mind you terrance is in the back seat passed out with his head out the window because chris back window doesn't roll up...So we're coming down cumberland and we get to the 1st light...its like 3am and noone is out so we decide to run the light.....WE look around and then go...then the 2nd light....look around then run it.....3rd light now we're feeling confident and this time we barely look and take it...then out of no where this cop turns his lights on and pulls us over.....SIDENOTE:

I know we are both drunk...we smell like alcohol..terrance is passed out without a seatbelt on...our eyes are that glossy drunk...and now we're terrified.

So the cop comes up and flashs the light and was like "did u guys not see the light" then chris does the greatest lie in history..."sir i just got off work i work at fedex and me and my friend robert were asked to go pick up my friend terrance from a party because he is passed out and we needed to get him to his house"

so then the cop says give me ur licence and insurance....the problem is that true chris has both these items yet...he has like 6 unpaid tickets and his insurance is expired....NOW IM FREAKING OUT....the one thing im most scared of was going to trying to figure out ways to run away and not get caught....yet the cop comes back and is like "ok your good..ur insurance is expired you need to get that fixed"...then he says the best thing i've ever heard..."im gonna write you a warning, just be careful and get him home...its happen to me before just be safe"............................this is where i just shit my pants because im like HALLEJUHAH!!!! You don't realize how much shyt we were suppose to be in:Drunk Driving, Reckless Driving, Underage drinking, No insurance, traffic tickets...the list could have went on but we got away with just a warning!!!!!!!!

Like real talk i got more stories these were just some of my favorite...I'll prolly write another blog later about some more fun times in my life but leave sum comments about sum of your times or comment on mine!!

Mr.Melvin is OWT of the office.............

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